We provide help for those silent warriors battling with addiction or with mental health issues who are ready for change but can't find a solution in the short term. We are here to bridge the gap and help those who want help so that they realize that they are not alone.

Specifically The Voice of the Silent Warrior works provides support at three different levels:

1. Donations to supported local agencies
Part of the money collected through donations and events is provide to a series of local charities that support programs targeted at addiction and mental health. Our goal to that our donations will help open my space within these programs for those in need.

2. Providing temporary access to paid services
In special cases, where temporary need is greatest The Voice of Silent Warrior may provide direct financial assistance to individuals in order to access mental health or addiction services until general programs are available.

3. Men's group chat group
We both host and support men supporting men through group chats and the assignment of a mentor.
How we help image